College Support Program

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The Stars College program is an interdependent program that welcomes students interested in achieving a certification or degree program. Our hope is to see our students pursue careers aligned with their academic, professional, personal, and spiritual goals. Our program seeks to build and strengthen support systems around our students through iGraduate coaching, resource events, and financial support to help students thrive.


College Success Program

Amy Cardenas

College Success Program Manager


Learn More About

Our Scholarships and Grants

*For information on outside scholarships, check out our students resource page.


Thank you to all who applied to the 2024 General Scholarship Program, the application is NOW CLOSED.

The Stars General Scholarship seeks to award students who applied or are enrolled in a 2- year school or trade program $500.00 and four year university/college $1000.00
Applicants must reside in the Pasadena/Altadena community.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • First-generation college student (neither parent/provider has completed a four-year college degree)
  • Reside in the Pasadena/Altadena community
  • Applied or enrolled in a 4-year school, 2-year school, or trade program
  • Demonstrated financial need (determined through application/interview)

Requirements & Expectations

  • Must upload a copy or screenshot of your unofficial transcripts
  • Must upload a selfie
  • IF you receive this scholarship, you will be required to participate in four cohort meetings and interact with the Stars community by attending some workshops and community events that we have here at Stars

The General Scholarship Application Has 3 Sections:

  • SECTION 1: Basic Student + Parent/ Provider Information
  • SECTION 2: Tell Us About The Type of Student You Are…
  • SECTION 3: Expression Prompt: Choose ONE expression prompt below to complete
    • OPTION 1: Upload a 2-4 minute spoken word poetry video of yourself
    • OPTION 2: Short 200-300 word reflection about a recent show/movie that impacted you
    • OPTION 3: A 50-100 word Instagram post of one of your favorite places in Pasadena/Altadena

2024 EVJ Scholarship Program

The Eric V. Johnson scholarship seeks to award students who applied or are enrolled in a 2- year school or trade program $500.00 and four year university/college $1000.00
Applicants must reside in the Pasadena/Altadena community.

Thank you to all who applied to the 2024 2024 EVJ Scholarship Program, the application is NOW CLOSED.

Volunteer Roles with College Support 

Role Description Commitment
Adulting Trainers/
Pick Your Brain

Lead a workshop around successful adulting or a specialized topic.

Ex: personal finance, college nutrition, mental health, taxes, credit cards and debt, etc.

• Trainings can be one-time or a series, 1 to 2 hours in length.

• Bi-Monthly Coffee & Chat with Staff and volunteers.

Igraduate coach Igraduate coaches are expected to check in, encourage, and help their students navigate the community college system.

• Mandatory 4-hour training before beginning with Stars’ partner Ascending Lights.

• Minimum of 3 meetings per semester, about 2 hours per month.

• Bi-monthly Coffee & Chat with staff and volunteers.

• Two-year commitment is preferred.

This position can be online.